Solo Category
Solo Category
Erhu, Banhu, Dizi, Xiao, Suona, Sheng, Guzheng, Pipa, Yangqin, Guqin, Zhongruan, Liuqin, Chinese Percussion
B1/B2/B3/C1/C2/C3/D1/D2/D3/E1/E2/F1/F2 Category

Category B1: Advanced Professional Category for 11 Music Conservatories

String: Erhu, Banhu
Wind: Dizi, Xiao, Suona, Sheng
Plucked String: Guzheng, Pipa, Yangqin, Guqin, Zhongruan and Liuqin
Chinese Percussion: Chinese Dagu, Paigu, Bangu, Mixed Percussion, Other Percussion

Eligibility:Born between 1989 to 2006 

Performance duration:Up to 8 minutes (1 free choice work)

Accompaniment:Limited to 2 accompanists, no limit to the type of collaborative instruments

Registration fee:SGD 160

Category B2: Advanced Professional Category for Other Music Conservatories 

String: Erhu, Banhu
Wind: Dizi, Xiao, Suona, Sheng
Plucked String: Guzheng, Pipa, Yangqin, Guqin, Zhongruan and Liuqin
Chinese Percussion: Chinese Dagu, Paigu, Bangu, Mixed Percussion, Other Percussion

Eligibility:Born between 1989 to 2006 

Performance duration:Up to 8 minutes (1 free choice work)

Accompaniment:Limited to 2 accompanists, no limit to the type of collaborative instruments

Registration fee:SGD 160

Category B3: Advanced Non-Professional Category 

String: Erhu, Banhu
Wind: Dizi, Xiao, Suona, Sheng
Plucked String: Guzheng, Pipa, Yangqin, Guqin, Zhongruan and Liuqin
Chinese Percussion: Chinese Dagu, Paigu, Bangu, Mixed Percussion, Other Percussion

Eligibility:Born in or before 2006 

Performance duration:Up to 7 minutes (1 free choice work)

Accompaniment:Limited to 2 accompanists, no limit to the type of collaborative instruments

Registration fee:SGD 160

Category C1: Intermediate Professional Category Group I for 11 Music Conservatories 

String: Erhu, Banhu
Wind: Dizi, Xiao, Suona, Sheng
Plucked String: Guzheng, Pipa, Yangqin, Guqin, Zhongruan and Liuqin
Chinese Percussion: Chinese Dagu, Paigu, Bangu, Mixed Percussion, Other Percussion

Eligibility:Born between 2007 to 2009 

Performance duration:Up to 6 minutes (1 free choice work)

Accompaniment:No accompaniment

Registration fee:SGD 120

Category C2: Intermediate Professional Category Group I for Other Music Conservatories

String: Erhu, Banhu
Wind: Dizi, Xiao, Suona, Sheng
Plucked String: Guzheng, Pipa, Yangqin, Guqin, Zhongruan and Liuqin
Chinese Percussion: Chinese Dagu, Paigu, Bangu, Mixed Percussion, Other Percussion

Eligibility:Born between 2007 to 2009 

Performance duration: Up to 6 minutes (1 free choice work)

Accompaniment:No accompaniment

Registration fee:SGD 120

Category C3: Intermediate Non-Professional Category Group I

String: Erhu, Banhu
Wind: Dizi, Xiao, Suona, Sheng
Plucked String: Guzheng, Pipa, Yangqin, Guqin, Zhongruan and Liuqin
Chinese Percussion: Chinese Dagu, Paigu, Bangu, Mixed Percussion, Other Percussion

Eligibility:Born between 2007 to 2009 

Performance duration:Up to 5.5 minutes (1 free choice work)

Accompaniment:No accompaniment

Registration fee:SGD 120

Category D1: Intermediate Professional Category Group II for 11 Music Conservatories

String: Erhu, Banhu
Wind: Dizi, Xiao, Suona, Sheng
Plucked String: Guzheng, Pipa, Yangqin, Guqin, Zhongruan and Liuqin
Chinese Percussion: Chinese Dagu, Paigu, Bangu, Mixed Percussion, Other Percussion

Eligibility:Born between 2010 - 2012 

Performance duration: Up to 5 minutes (1 free choice work)

Accompaniment:No accompaniment

Registration fee:SGD 100

Category D2: Intermediate Professional Category Group II for Other Music Conservatories 

String: Erhu, Banhu
Wind: Dizi, Xiao, Suona, Sheng
Plucked String: Guzheng, Pipa, Yangqin, Guqin, Zhongruan and Liuqin
Chinese Percussion: Chinese Dagu, Paigu, Bangu, Mixed Percussion, Other Percussion

Eligibility: Born bewteen 2010 to 2012 

Performance duration:Up to 5 minutes (1 free choice work)

Accompaniment:No accompaniment

Registration fee:SGD 100

Category D3: Intermediate Non-Professional Category Group II 

String: Erhu, Banhu
Wind: Dizi, Xiao, Suona, Sheng
Plucked String: Guzheng, Pipa, Yangqin, Guqin, Zhongruan and Liuqin
Chinese Percussion: Chinese Dagu, Paigu, Bangu, Mixed Percussion, Other Percussion

Eligibility:Born between 2010 to 2012 

Performance duration:Up to 4.5 minutes (1 free choice work)

Accompaniment:No accompaniment

Registration fee:SGD 100

Category E1: Junior Professional Category Group I for 11 Music Conservatories

String: Erhu, Banhu
Wind: Dizi, Xiao, Suona, Sheng
Plucked String: Guzheng, Pipa, Yangqin, Guqin, Zhongruan and Liuqin
Chinese Percussion: Chinese Dagu, Paigu, Bangu, Mixed Percussion, Other Percussion

Eligibility:Born between 2013 to 2015 

Performance duration: Up to 4 minutes (1 free choice work)

Accompaniment:No accompaniment

Registration fee:SGD 80

Category E2: Junior Non-Professional Category Group I 

String: Erhu, Banhu
Wind: Dizi, Xiao, Suona, Sheng
Plucked String: Guzheng, Pipa, Yangqin, Guqin, Zhongruan and Liuqin
Chinese Percussion: Chinese Dagu, Paigu, Bangu, Mixed Percussion, Other Percussion

Eligibility:Born between 2013 to 2015 

Performance duration: Up to 3.5 minutes (1 free choice work)

Accompaniment:No accompaniment

Registration fee:SGD 80

Category F1: Junior Category Group II

String: Erhu, Banhu
Wind: Dizi, Xiao, Suona, Sheng
Plucked String: Guzheng, Pipa, Yangqin, Guqin, Zhongruan and Liuqin
Chinese Percussion: Chinese Dagu, Paigu, Bangu, Mixed Percussion, Other Percussion

Eligibility:Born between 2016 to 2018 

Performance duration: Up to 3 minutes (1 free choice work)

Accompaniment:No accompaniment

Registration fee:SGD 60

Category F1: Children's Category

String: Erhu, Banhu
Wind: Dizi, Xiao, Suona, Sheng
Plucked String: Guzheng, Pipa, Yangqin, Guqin, Zhongruan and Liuqin
Chinese Percussion: Chinese Dagu, Paigu, Bangu, Mixed Percussion, Other Percussion

Eligibility:Born in or after 2019

Performance duration:Up to 2 minutes (1 free choice work)

Accompaniment:No accompaniment

Registration fee:SGD 60


1. The Nanyang International Music Competition is an international competition, and all who meet the requirements may register to participate.

2. Registration and online competition dates:
- Registration date is from June 6, 2024 (10:00) to July 5, 2024 (23:59)  

- Deadline for video entry submission will be July 5, 2024 (23:59)

- Online competition dates are July 24-31, 2024

The dates for the Singapore offline grand finals are January 17-19, 2025. The registration fee is SGD200.

3. After registration closes, all participants' videos in the same category will be edited and combined into one video. This combined video will be streamed online during the competition period, and the judges will evaluate the performances in real-time.

4. Participants are not allowed to participate in more than one category, but they may simultaneously participate in both the ensemble and orchestra professional categories or in both the ensemble and orchestra non-professional categories.
Age-Based Cross-Category Entry Rules:

Younger participants may opt to compete in older age categories. 

Older participants are not allowed to compete in younger age categories. 

Example: C1 category participants can enter the B1 category, but B1 category participants cannot enter the C1 category. 

Level-Based Cross-Category Entry Rules:

Non-professional level participants may enter professional level categories. 

Professional level participants are not permitted to enter non-professional level categories. 

Example: B3 category participants can register B2 or B1 categories, but B1 category participants cannot register B2 or B3 categories.

5. Chinese Percussion:
 - Dagu (including Datanggu)

 - Paigu (A combination of drums including the Dagu or Datanggu and Paigu) 

 - Bangu

 - Other drum types: such as Xinjiang Shougu, Korean Changgu

 - Mixed percussion solo (combination solo works based on "different categories" of Chinese percussion instruments, and no more than three types of small foreign percussion instruments are allowed)

6.  11 designated music conservatories (in no particular order):

- Central Conservatory of Music

- Shanghai Conservatory of Music

- China Conservatory of Music

- Tianjin Conservatory of Music

- Xi'an Conservatory of Music

- Xinghai Conservatory of Music

- Shenyang Conservatory of Music

- Wuhan Conservatory of Music

- Sichuan Conservatory of Music

- Zhejiang Conservatory of Music

- Harbin Conservatory of Music

7. Repertoire Selection:

 -  Memorisation is mandatory (use of score is not allowed), except for the ensemble and orchestra category.          

 - Participants may truncate their chosen repertoire to meet timing requirements; however, the version presented should still showcase their technical and artistic mastery. 

 - Participants must attach a PDF score of their chosen work when registering. The file name should include: (1) Participant's name; (2) Participant's category. 

 - Participants must adhere to the time limit of each category. The system will automatically flag any videos exceeding the time limit and the competition entry will be revoked. 

 - The organiser reserves the right to disqualify any participant who does not adhere to competition rules.

8. Video Recording Requirements:

 - Participants must upload an unedited, high-definition video.

 - The video must be recorded horizontally.

 - The video must be at least 1080p.

 - Participant's face, hands and instrument must be clearly visible throughout the video; recording position should not be too close or too far. The recording environment must remain quiet throughout.

 - The video can be recorded using a mobile phone or video recorder.

 - The video must be recorded within 6 months of the registration period.

 - The video must have synchronised sound and image; editing is not allowed.

 -  Video submitted must be saved in .mov or .mp4 file format. File naming format:< participant's name+category+piece's title >.

 - The video must not exceed 1200MB.

9. The competition organising committee will invite notable music professors and artists specialising in Chinese music from Singapore, China, Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR, and Chinese Taiwan to serve as judges. 

10. Participants are not allowed to contact any judges during the competition. Participants who flout this rule will be disqualified from the competition and all awards and prizes will be rescinded.  

11. The order in which the competition videos will be played will be determined by the organiser through an automated ballot. The organiser reserves the right to make changes to the order of the competition. 

12. After the registration closes, all the video submissions from participants in the same category will be edited and combined into one video. During the competition period, this combined video will be broadcast online, and the judges will review and score the performances in real-time.

13. The organiser reserves the right to record (including video files) during the competition activities without offering compensation to participants or soliciting their consent. This recording may be used for broadcast and publicity purposes with copyright of the recorded content belonging to the organiser. 

14. Your registration serves as consent to all rules and regulations outlined. 

15. All decisions made by the judges are final, no appeals will be entertained.

16. The judges reserve the right not to grant any award. 


1. Scoring ranges from 0 to 100 points, with final scores rounded to one decimal places.     

2. All qualified contestants will receive awards based on the following criteria:

Gold with Distinction 

90% - 95%


85% - 89.9%


75% - 84.9%


65% - 74.9%

Certificate of Participation

64.9% and below

3. Proportion of awards for all professional categories:

Gold with Distinction 








Certificate of Participation


4. All non-professional categories – No limit to proportion of awards.

5. Electronic certificates will be awarded to all participants. Gold with Distinction winners from each category will be invited to participate in the Grand Finals to be held at the Lee Foundation Theatre in Singapore. 

6. Competition format for the offline grand finals:
All "Professional 11 Conservatory Category" and "Professional Other Conservatory Category" will be merged into one category. For example:

- Category B will be merged into "Advanced Professional Category" and "Advanced Non-Professional Category", each producing first, second, and third prizes.

- Category C will be merged into "Intermediate I Professional Category" and "Intermediate I Non-Professional Category", each producing first, second, and third prizes.

- Category D will be merged into "Intermediate II Professional Category" and "Intermediate II Non-Professional Category", each producing first, second, and third prizes.

- Category E will be merged into "Junior I Professional Category" and "Junior I Non-Professional Category", each producing first, second, and third prizes.

- Category F will remain unchanged as "Junior II Category" and "Children's Category", each producing first, second, and third prizes. 

7. The champions of each category in the Singapore offline grand finals will receive a cash prize of SGD1,000.

8. For the grand finals, if the registration rate for a particular category is insufficient, the organising committee reserves the right to reorganise the competition format or cancel the competition for that particular category. The organising committee will refund the grand finals competition registration fees to the affected participants.

9. Decisions made by the organising committee are final.